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 Change the Start Button Text

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Change the Start Button Text Rwl4yp

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PostSubject: Change the Start Button Text   Change the Start Button Text I_icon_minitimeFri Sep 05, 2008 6:24 am

Change the Start Button Text (All Windows) PopularWould
you like to change the Start button to say something else, perhaps your
name, company or any other 5 or less letter word? This article explains
the procedure to manually modify the text of the Windows Start button.
Manually changing the Start button requires the use of a binary file editor (or hex editor)
to alter a critical Windows system file, it is therefore not
recommended for inexperienced users. This method has been successfully
tested on Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000 and XP and therefore should be quite
safe, although we do not accept any responsibility for system problems
or data loss.
As mentioned before you will need to have a hex editor
installed, there are many different products available and if you don't
have one already a quick search of a shareware site should provide many choices, for this tweak we only require basic features.

  1. The file that needs to be changed is Windows Explorer, and it is
    essential to make a backup before you modify anything. "Explorer.exe"
    can be found in the Windows directory, usually C:\WINDOWS for Windows
    95, 98, Me & XP and C:\WINNT for Windows NT/2000. Make a copy of
    "Explorer.exe" and place it into another directory, C:\BACKUP might be
    a good choice.
  2. Make another copy of the original "Explorer.exe" and name it "Explorer1.exe", then open "Explorer1.exe" in your hex editor.
  3. You now need to find the word "Start", although there are many
    entries for "Start" in the file only one is used for to label the Start
    button. Use the search function in the hex editor to find all the
    strings equal to "S t a r t" which is represented as "53 00 74 00 61 00
    72 00 74" in hex values. As there are many different "Start" strings
    keep searching until you find one located just before this text "There was an internal error and one of the windows you were using has been closed.". Below is a list of offsets to help you locate the correct text.

    • Windows 98
      Offset: 0x00028D6E - 0x00028D76
    • Windows NT4
      Offset: 0x00028BEE - 0x00028BF6
    • Windows ME
      Offset: 0x00033DDE - 0x00033DE6
    • Windows 2000
      Offset: 0x0003860E - 0x00038616
    • Windows XP (Enhanced Start Menu)
      Offset: 0x000412B6 - 0x000412BE
    • Windows XP (Classic Start Menu)
      Offset: 0x0004158A - 0x00041592
    • Windows XP SP1 (Enhanced Start Menu)
      Offset: 0x0004208E - 0x00042096
    • Windows XP SP1 (Classic Start Menu)
      Offset: 0x0004259A - 0x000425A2

  • Once you have located the string, you can then replace the
    letters in "Start" with five other characters. You must use exactly
    five characters, if the word you want to use is less, replace the
    remaining characters with the space key. In this example we have
    replaced "Start" with "Guide", alternatively a three-letter word would
    look like "A B C" (note the spaces).
  • Now save the modified "Explorer1.exe" in the Windows directory,
    and confirm that you now have the two Explorer files in the Windows
    directory, they both should be the same file size but have different
    modified dates.
  • The next step is different depending on your operating system. Only do the step required for your version.

    • Windows 95, 98 & ME
      Exit to DOS (or use a boot disk
      for Windows ME) and at the command prompt change to the Windows
      directory and rename "explorer.exe" to "explorer.old". Then copy the
      newly modified Explorer "explorer1.exe" to "explorer.exe". Do a
      directory listing and confirm that "explorer.exe" has the most recent
      modified date and time. Restart the computer and Windows should reload
      along with the new Start button text.
    • Windows NT
      First close any open applications and open a new Command Prompt window, then switch back to the GUI and open the Task Manager.
      Find the "explorer.exe" process and end it, you should now be left with
      only the command prompt and task manager. Switch back to the command
      prompt and change to the Windows directory, rename "explorer.exe" to
      "explorer.old", and copy the newly modified Explorer "explorer1.exe" to
      "explorer.exe". Do a directory listing and confirm that "explorer.exe"
      has the most recent modified date and time. Switch back to Task Manager
      and launch a "New Task" called "explorer.exe" this should reload the
      shell along with your modified "Start" button.
    • Windows 2000 and XP
      Open your registry editor
      and find the key [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows
      NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]. Find the value named "Shell" and change it
      to equal the filename of the new explorer "explorer1.exe". Exit your
      registry editor and restart Windows for the change to take effect. To
      reverse the change, modify the value of "Shell" and set it back to
  • If everything has gone successfully you will now have a
    new Start button, and also hopefully learnt something about the
    Explorer file structure. If you do have problems replace the faulty
    Explorer with the backup made during the first step.

    >> Recommended Download - check, repair and optimize your registry now with Registry Mechanic <<
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    GFX Designer
    GFX Designer

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    PostSubject: Re: Change the Start Button Text   Change the Start Button Text I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 14, 2008 3:47 pm

    aww haba..tnx
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    Number of posts : 375
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    PostSubject: Re: Change the Start Button Text   Change the Start Button Text I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 15, 2008 9:57 am

    wow ang haba,pero sigi pag aaralan kew pa Change the Start Button Text 187989
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    Forum Moderator
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    PostSubject: Re: Change the Start Button Text   Change the Start Button Text I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 25, 2009 4:12 pm

    Thnx !b cheers
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    Forum Moderator
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    PostSubject: Re: Change the Start Button Text   Change the Start Button Text I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 27, 2009 5:11 am

    uii marunon6 nah q neto ahahaha
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    Forum Moderator
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    PostSubject: Re: Change the Start Button Text   Change the Start Button Text I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 28, 2009 8:51 pm

    hahaha ako pag aaralan ko pa, thanks for sharin ;) Change the Start Button Text 187989
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    PostSubject: Re: Change the Start Button Text   Change the Start Button Text I_icon_minitime

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